Removing Author Text From Themes & Templates

A lot of free templates/themes have an “author text” or “copyright” in the footer section of all the pages, which passes (limited by Google) link juice and gives credit to the author. Some try to make the removal of that text difficult, by means of encryption or hiding the code in other ways. Thus getting profit from selling “author link free” versions of the same template, along with other possible benefits.

Fair enough. I would recommend complying with the authors wishes on keeping that text. But I know some have their reasons on wanting to remove it. There are also, many other ways to give credit which I highly encourage if one benefits from someones free work.

Author Text

On this page, I will list all the ways my neighbour Totoro has ever removed the author text from Joomla templates or WordPress themes. I won’t bother with those who have the code in plain sight.

Crosstec, Joomla

Author text is hidden with the help of Gantry Framework which is used by many other Joomla templates as well. It is an option in the template settings, however the setting has been hidden, so that it doesn’t show up.


This bit:

<field name="branding-enabled" type="hidden" default="1" label="SHOW" />

<field name="branding-position" type="hidden" default="copyright-a" label="POSITION" />

<field name="copyright-enabled" type="hidden" default="1" label="SHOW" />
<field name="copyright-position" type="hidden" default="copyright-a" label="POSITION" />
<field name="copyright-text" type="hidden" default="&lt;div style=&quot;margin: 0 auto;width: 350px;&quot;&gt;Get more Joomla! Templates and &lt;a href=&quot;;>Joomla! Forms at Crosstec&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/div&gt;" label="TEXT" class="text-long" />

Can be simply converted into visible form, after a cache clear, the menu option shows up in the Gantry template settings:

<field name="branding-enabled" type="toggle" default="1" label="SHOW" />

<field name="branding-position" type="position" default="copyright-a" label="POSITION" />

<field name="copyright-enabled" type="toggle" default="1" label="SHOW" />
<field name="copyright-position" type="position" default="copyright-a" label="POSITION" />
<field name="copyright-text" type="text" default="&lt;div style=&quot;margin: 0 auto;width: 350px;&quot;&gt;Get more Joomla! Templates and &lt;a href=&quot;;>Joomla! Forms at Crosstec&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/div&gt;" label="TEXT" class="text-long" />

Youjoomla, Joomla


Change line in the bottom: echo'<div class=”yjsgcp”>Copyright &copy;…

More to come, perhaps, yes, maybe..

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